
Tips to Overcome AdSense Ad Restrictions Easily

Tips to Overcome AdSense Ad Restrictions Easily - On this occasion I will share tips on Overcoming Ad Restrictions with invalid traffic problems, these tips are taken from experience that I have experienced. Around June 3, here I experienced an advertisement barrier with invalid traffic problems. The ad didn't automatically appear on the blog. Wow, I was just surprised to be accepted by AdSense, right away, given the ad limitation problem. Ouh, Shit! I immediately boom thinking faster than usual. Think right away how to overcome this barrier? Then I tried to search here and there and different ways to overcome them, then the initiative itself looked for ways so that the problem was resolved and al-hamdulillah in a way that would be shared now and soon my ads reappeared. Although the notification has not been removed by AdSense. Okay, to shorten please refer to the tips below. How to Overcome the Restrictions on Adsense Ads Because of Invalid Traffic Problems Hare some tips th...

SEO and SEM: Differences and Benefits

Ahmiw Blog - SEO and SEM are terms that are not common. For those of you business people in the digital field, may have heard these terms but do not understand what is the difference between the two. These two terms are indeed often used interchangeably, never used together. When someone uses the term SEO, he usually does not necessarily mention the term SEM. The solution? You need to read our article this time. We will start with the correct basic understanding of each of these terms. We will also mention what the application looks like so that you can gradually understand the difference between the two. Finally, we will answer your big question, which is the best marketing technique for your website / business. Let's get started! What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which means the optimization process of the website and all its aspects (content, system, etc.) so that it ranks well in search engines like Google. If you want t...

About Domain Authority and Page Authority in Complete

Image - The value of authority such as Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) is a measure to determine the level of quality of a blog or website, whether it's the ranking level of a domain or a page that appears on search engines. DA & PA has an important role in a blog. Previously, did you know what DA and PA are? Definition of Domain Authority (DA) Domain Authority is a measure of the strength of a domain which is one of the many factors in ranking in search engines. Blog sites or websites that have a high DA value will be easier to rank first in search engines, whether it's Google, Bing, or others. New sites that are not consistent in their management, will not last long in search engine results. Domain Authority can be seen from scor scales of 1-100, which the higher the value, the easier it is to get a ranking on the first page. Understanding Page Authority (PA) Page Authority is an SEO term to describe the possibility that a particular page w...

Cara Upload Video ke YouTube Lewat Hp

Cara Upload Video ke YouTube Lewat Hp - Pada zaman sekarang sudah tidak asing lagi dengan namanya aplikasi youtube yang bisa menyaingi televisi (TV), mungkin youtube sekarang lebih dari televisi. Apalagi, sekarang kebanyakan orang ingin menjadi seorang youtuber untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari aplikasi tersebut. Menjadi seorang youtuber tidak diharuskan mempunyai fasilitas yang memadai cukup menggunakan handphone saja sobat bisa menjadi seorang youtuber. Oleh karena itu, admin akan berbagi tips untuk mengupload video ke youtube melalui hp. Silahkan simak langkah-langkahnya. Inilah Cara Upload Video ke Youtube Melalui Hp Login ke Channel sobat melalui aplikasi Youtube. Ketuk gambar kamera yang berada dibagian atas aplikasi. Pilih rekam atau video yang sudah disiapkan. Kemudian tambahkan Judul (max 100 karakter) dan Deskripsi video (max 5000 karakter) ke video sobat. Setelah mengisi semuanya, sobat tinggal klik upload. Tunggu sampai proses penguploadan selesai. Se...

Cause of the Latest Adsense Ad Restriction Issues

Kang Ahmiw - In this article I will share experiences about the Causes of AdSense Ad Limitation Problems . In the case of advertising restrictions on our blog is very detrimental, because it will have a major impact on our income. Therefore I will share some of the causes that cause our ads are limited by the adsense. Actually I have posted How to Overcome the Limitation of Adsense Ads. Okay, we get straight to the causes of restrictions on adsense ads. Some Causes of AdSense Ad Restrictions Click Own Ads Click the ad itself has been notified by the adsense even already listed in its policies. Therefore, you should never click on your own ads if you do not comply with these policies, please bear the consequences yourself. Jingling This cause is usually done by someone who is jealous or just fad with your blog and he jigling can be called sending a visitor bot, indeed it can increase your visitors but side effects can cause your account to be banned / disabled by adsense. BOOM Click Th...

Beauty Books: Are They Worth Your Money?

Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it? If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book? If you haven’t or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not beauty books are really worth the money. When it comes to determining whether or not beauty books are worth the money, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration. For instance, beauty books come in a number of different formats. If you are looking for something in particular, like how to properly apply and remove makeup, you may be able to find a beauty book that specializes solely on those tasks. Beauty books that are right to the point and contain the information that you are looking are the best and they are definitely worth your money. In addition, when trying to determine if ...

Game Flappy Bird yang Bikin Kamu Ketagihan !

Jangan lupa membaca artikel kami sebelumnya, mengenai > Panduan Bisnis Online bagi Pemula . Android  yang merupakan sistem operasi mobile paling populer memang memanjakan banyak penggunanya. selain fitur untuk komunikasi, android juga menyediakan fitur dari segi entertaiment, seperti mendengarkan music, menonton video dan bermain game . flappy Bird pada kesempatan ini, saya akan memberikan sebuah game sederhana yang belakangan ini menjadi booming. karena banyak yang menilai bahwa game ini sangatlah adiktif atau bikin ketagihan  saking serunya. tapi ada juga yang menilai bahwa game ini bisa membuat kamu stress ! atau bikin pusing karena susahnya minta ampun hehe.. game ini bernama Flappy Bird . saya sendiri sudah mencoba memainkan game ini, dan memang terbukti susah namun membuat ketagihan !.. game ini mirip seperti mario bros, namun kita memainkan karakter yaitu seekor burung. tugas kita cukup simple, yaitu hanya menerbangkan sang burung dengan me-tap layar android kita namun ...